Using gifted children as examples, Ruf illustrates five new levels of giftedness, which parents may be able to estimate in their child by comparing developmental milestones...
A concise summary of research on academic acceleration, including answers to the common questions of social emotional adjustment, self-esteem, and more. Now out of print, use interlibrary loan to locate a copy
A comprehensive textbook on acceleration, with chapters on early acceptance to kindergarten or to college, affective development of acceleration of gifted students, identification of good candidates. Also available from
Lists available competitions, with focus on academics, characteristics of good competitions, and useful tips on selecting the right competitions make it unique and valuable. In addition, helps parents and teachers minimize problems and maximize benefits of academic competitions for gifted learners...
Practical guide corrects misunderstandings of acceleration and provides the tools necessary to effectively determine the most appropriate learning options for gifted students. Through real-life stories, authors dispel common myths about acceleration and describe what it is, what forms it takes, and what it can do for gifted learners—intellectually, socially, and emotionally. Includes instructional strategies for implementation in various school settings...
Stories of girls and young women who have pursued their quests for adventure and exemplified positive risk taking in both the mental and physical domains
As LA Times reporter Miles Corwin chronicles in this troubling yet uplifting book, the ills of the inner city have not completely defeated Toni Little's advanced-placement students at Crenshaw High School, with whom Corwin spent the 1996-1997 academic year as a silent observer...
Adventures in Homeschooling and Community-Based Education. This account of the nurturing of child genius is a superb model of what all parents can do to bring forth the best in their children...
Always diverse in the breadth of his topics, but consistent in his philosophical outlook, Delisle tackles such crucial issues as standardized testing, differentiation, the theory of Multiple Intelligences, the social and emotional lives of gifted children, character education, and the portrayal of gifted children in the media...
A great book for students of all skill levels and ages. Filled with brief 'articles' describing techniques that can help with everything from having your study area designed correctly for you, to basics in note taking and preparing for exams
For educators, includes definitions and models of giftedness; identification of the gifted; teaching methods and best practices; creativity; counseling and guidance; administrative arrangements; and program prototypes and evaluation...
Practical strategies for the education of exceptionally high ability (a.k.a. gifted) children. After addressing all the questions, debates and arguments about nature vs. nurture, elitism, testing, creativity, and more... all that's left is to serve the child's educational needs! Also available from and
The definitive guide to understanding and writing IEPs. It presents a powerful, three-step process that focuses on the individual student and avoids the all too common routinized approach to program development. [Although written for Special Education students, many states include gifted under special education and/or provide IEPs for gifted students... this is a great reference for all.]
What does it really mean to be gifted and African American in the U.S. today? What do parents and teachers of gifted black students need to know to help students explore their potential, thrive in school and life. Easy to read, full of great insight for every reader, regardless of race...
For any parent who has ever been told, "your child isn't performing up to his or her potential," this book has the answer, a proven ten-step program to motivate underachieving children
"Math is often taught as all scales and no music. This book contains the music!" I couldn't have said it better myself - tons of fun problems... Also available from and
This classic work offers a penetrating examination and analysis of the characteristics and growth patterns of twelve children who scored at the genius level in intelligence testing...
In today’s standards-driven era, how can teachers motivate and challenge gifted learners and ensure that all students reach their potential? This book provides a compelling answer: the Schoolwide Cluster Grouping Model (SCGM). Find a wealth of teacher-tested classroom strategies along with detailed information on identifying students for clusters, gaining support
from parents, and providing ongoing professional development. Special attention toward empowering gifted English language learners. CD-ROM features all of the reproducible forms plus a PowerPoint presentation...
A quick but complete guide that leads you through the maze of college selection with the simple, revolutionary idea that students already have great lives-- what they now need is a college where they can live that great life, and learn more about themselves and the world...
Everything you need to know and do, starting in 7th and stepping right through 12th grade, to plan for college for your gifted student. Why don't the school counselors tell us this?! Timelines, checklists, and more
The book is written with the lay person in mind in a clear and concise manner. The whole IEP process is spelled out in easy to follow steps that gently glides one through the process
Written by recognized gifted curriculum leader VanTassel-Baska and her associates at the Center for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary, this award-winning service publication of the National Association for Gifted Children illustrates award-winning curriculum units in language arts, social studies and science.
Gives counselors, classroom teachers, gifted education specialists, and parents an understanding of the academic and social-personal needs of gifted and talented students, awareness of ways that they themselves may help these children, and an introduction to the available guidance strategies and materials... Also available from
The 1964 provocative classic by Victor and Mildred Goertzel is printed here in its entirely, plus updated for the 21st Century. Do prominent individuals share common childhood experiences? What factors in childhood contribute to a prolific adulthood? Among the fascinating similarities of these eminent personalities are that most: * grew up in homes with a strong love of learning; * had strong, opinionated, pushy parents; * grew up feeling different from others...
The definitive reference book for those searching for a summary and evaluation of the literature on giftedness and gifted education. Topics include Neural Bases of Giftedness, Early Childhood and Identification, Academic Competitions and Creativity, Writing, Science, Social Studies and Mathematics, and nearly 40 others; each evaluation is written by the leading researchers in the specific field. Only the Homeschooling topic seems ill-reported...
Multi-volume collection, written with the busy classroom teacher in mind. Great topics, with ready-to-implement solutions from respected professionals...
This terrific book is for homeschooling parents and more - there is information for schooling parents, school teachers, gifted teachers, and more, on gifted children, learning styles, internet resources, and so much more!
Recognizing the different levels and kinds of giftedness, Lovecky provides insight into the challenges and benefits specific to gifted children with various learning difficulties. Guides parents and professionals through diagnosis and advises on how best to nurture individual needs, positive behavior and relationships at home and at school... Also available from and
Parents and teachers often label children as "difficult" but this can mean such a variety of things. This book includes excellent descriptors of behaviors and traits...
Written to help classroom teachers identify and plan for gifted children from special populations, including children with disabilities, minorities, the learning disabled, preschoolers, the exceptionally gifted, gifted females and underachievers
Edison Trait kids have the qualities that make innovative leaders, inventors, explorers, yet they often have a hard time in school where their personality traits may be seen as weak or negative
Driven to Distraction reveals why millions of adults and children are chronic underachievers, caught up in persistent problems in school, at work, and at home. Answers To Distraction provides practical solutions to the dilemmas of ADD
Easy-to-read, using real-world examples through case studies and role-plays that show parents and teachers how to interact with gifted children in a way that teaches them how to recognize, monitor, and adjust their behavior. Worksheets, tip sheets, and checklists are included to help parents, teachers, and the students themselves learn to cope with the explosive feelings that often accompany giftedness. Specific strategies for stress management, underperformance in school, perfectionism, and social anxiety make this a must-read for anyone wishing to make a positive lasting impact on the lives of gifted children.
Empowering Gifted Minds discusses the many questions parents ask (or should ask!) in the years after learning their child is gifted, offering answers, ideas, and sometimes, more questions to ask. See my detailed review on Amazon.
...equips parents and teachers with the information and processes they need to engage underachievers in a transformation to become self-motivated, responsible and happy individuals
Gifted teens have concerns, some like any other teen, and some unique to their giftedness, on topics including identity, perfectionism, relationships, stressors, and more. This guide offers 50 ready-to-use discussion topics and materials; it's introduction gives detailed information on how ot use the book, and how to facilitate large or small group discussions with gifted teens. I wish my teens had access to such a comprehensive discussion series!
12 volume collection of seminal articles from Gifted Child Quarterly, with the knowledge and power of more than 25 years of research on giftedness and talent. Or purchase separately.
Characteristics and needs of the gifted, combined with grouping, acceleration, and a comprehensive model of program development, with special attention given to the study of math, science, social studies and the humanities... (out of print)
If you have an exceptionally gifted child, Read This Book! A fascinating study of a small group of exceptionally gifted (IQ>160) children, Gross follows these children over 20 years, and includes extensive details about their interests, family background, progress through school, and social and emotional as well as academic status. Gross shows that when these children are not allowed to learn at an appropriate pace and level it places them at serious risk
Not ADHD, not ODD, but... explosive. Whether at home, school, or both, this book gives great insight and good advice into these often frustrating children...
Dr. Klein has woven the threads of Leta Hollingworth's life and the strands of educational philosophy (both past and present) into a cloak well worth the trying on...
Perfectionism is not about doing our best. It's not about the struggle for excellence, or the healthy striving for high goals. Perfectionism is about believing that if we can just do something perfectly, other people will love and accept us-and if we can't, we'll never be good enough. Perfectionism is a burden that takes a heavy toll...
The Davidsons offer an absorbing look at how our nation is neglecting children of exceptional intelligence. They make a compelling case for re-approaching giftedness as a potential disability (to give more attention to gifted kids) and an even stronger argument for parents, teachers and citizens to consider the potential loss to American society in the costliest imaginable terms. For excerpts and review, visit Genius Denied. Also available from and
Are you relentlessly curious and creative, always willing to rock the boat in order to get things done... extremely energetic and focused, yet constantly switching gears... intensely sensitive, able to intuit subtly charged situations and decipher others' feelings... a truth-teller who pushes toward perfection, driven by a sense of personal mission?
Reports and synthesizes the results of all reported legal actions concerning education of gifted and talented children. Since there is no federal mandate, the legal conflicts have been settled at the state or local level
Parents of gifted children describe their searches for appropriate educational options along with their creative solutions, from early school admission to early high school graduation and awarding of credits
Since Gifted Children and the Law, many new court cases and administrative rulings have been reported; issues covered include advanced placement concerns, home-schooling problems, personal injury, civil rights, mediation, and due process
Written by home school moms for teaching gifted students at home (excellent resource, slight Christian flavor, but could easily be substituted as any faith / belief)
6 volume collection brings together the best articles published in Gifted Child Today, the nation's most popular gifted education journal. Each book is filled with exciting and practical classroom ideas, useful summaries of research findings, discussions of identification and classroom management, and informed opinions about educating gifted kids...
Examine old and new research on the nature of intelligence and other gifts and explore ways gifted people hide their talents; includes interviews with a highly diverse collection of 100 gifted adults. An excellent book for every gifted adult, or adult with gifted children... Also available from and
"A lot of the facts presented in books on gifted children are controversial..." And that makes this an even more important book to read! Living the life, and walking the walk, with parents of the gifted, and gifted adults. Many of the same questions asked on Hoagies' Page: Snappy Come-backs, What do you tell the kids?, and more (purchase direct from publisher at [email protected])
Though out of print, this text's research is included in every book and research paper concerning twice exceptional and underachieving gifted populations that has followed. A must have...
A step by step guide to 'what's age appropriate' for play, and how parents can make rules for kids to keep them moving in the direction of making and keeping friends. Good for shy kids and kids who seem to not get those unwritten social rules, or kids who have to deal with agemates that seem alien to them. Read theDavidson Institute review...
Grandparents, with their greater life experience, will often realize—even before the parents—that a child is gifted, and that the child will need additional emotional and intellectual sustenance...
Teachers, here's your differentiation guide for middle school readers. Challenge and inspire the gifted middle school student, plus reproducibles on literature circles, tiered activities, graphic organizers, and higher-level thinking discussion questions
This book is a must-have for teachers, administrators and parents of the gifted. The diversity of articles includes all the hot topics of gifted education written by some of the best known experts in the field. This book is especially good for the serious reader who has some background in gifted.
An in-depth, research-based look at ways schools and classrooms can support the development of gifted adolescents. Each chapter is written by leading scholars and researchers in the field, including Nicholas Colangelo, Susan Assouline, Sally Reis, Donna Ford, Joyce VanTassel-Baska, Carolyn Callahan, more...
This user friendly guidebook educates parents and teachers about important gifted issues, an ideal resource for the beginner to seasoned veteran in educating gifted children
Profoundly gifted kids often get the least help in school. It’s assumed they’re smart enough to succeed on their own, plus teachers (and parents) feel out of their depth with these unique kids. A blend of personal stories and practical strategies, scholarly articles and entertaining essays from a community of voices—parents, educators, authors, researchers, and other experts—this book addresses the joys and challenges of raising and teaching...
Gives classroom teachers advice from technology education experts on how the latest tools and software can be implemented into lesson plans to create differentiated, exciting curriculum for all learners. Focused on implementing technology in the four core areas of learning — math, science, language arts, and social studies...
Highly sensitive children (HSCs) are born deeply reflective, sensitive to the subtle, and easily overwhelmed. These qualities can make for smart, conscientious, creative children, but with the wrong parenting or schooling, they can become unusually shy or timid, or begin acting out. HSCs are often mislabeled as overly inhibited, fearful, or “fussy,” or classified as “problem children” (and in some cases, misdiagnosed with disorders such as ADD)...
Are you easily overwhelmed by stimuli? Affected by other people's moods? Easily startled? Do you need to withdraw during busy times to a private, quiet place? This book helps HSPs (Highly Sensitive Persons) to understand themselves and their sensitive trait and its impact on personal history, career, relationships, and inner life...
Dispelling the myths about the nature of giftedness with credible research, Sousa provides a greater understanding of the idiosyncrasies of gifted children, and the implications for teaching and parenting them...
Writing with authority and compassion, Edwards explains why some children are especially challenging, for reasons from ADHD to profoundly gifted, then spells out clear, specific strategies parents can use to address and correct problem behaviors with firmness and love
"...takes us on a universal journey of self-discovery, and you crave more of her wisdom and insights... If every gifted educator and parent read this book, the lives of gifted children would be happier, healthier, and more whole." -- Jim Delisle
(Out of print, available used) When people advance too quickly they can be lauded too extravagantly thereby creating a gap between how others see them and how they see themselves
How does gifted education serve special populations, including a variety of culturally diverse populations? How does education deal with these children today, and how can we improve their education? How do gender and/or socio-economic diversity affect gifted education?
This book has strong implications for anyone who has ever considered autism, dyslexia, or learning difficulties to be horrible things that must be stamped out. It shows that the apparent "weakness" and "lack of ability" in some areas can really be an aspect of a major (but often unrecognized) area of strength.
This book offers sage words for beginning parents and seasoned insights for those more experienced, including teachers. Skinner's unvarnished chronicle of life with 2 gifted children strikes just the right balance. More importantly, this rewarding little book highlights the responsibility of parents to reach out for information, stay aware of the bigger picture, and not leave the development of gifted children to chance...
Written to assist teachers in their journey teaching gifted children, Isaacson and Fisher combine humor and insight to offer teachers tons of ideas on dealing with gifted children's' curiosity, intensity, asynchrony, sense of humor, creative and divergent thinking, and many more traits...
For schools or parents, the Iowa Acceleration Scale provides a systematic and thorough approach to considering and implementing academic acceleration for gifted and talented students in grades K-8; read Hoagies' detailed review. Also available from and
Details the physical and environmental factors that can contribute to our kids' behavior, including food, chemical sensitivities and 'sick building' syndrome
How to work with ADD/hyperactive children to help them build control, offering advice on diet, medication, coping with professionals, available resources, and programs to enhance attention span
Do you know an intense gifted child? You must read this book! An easy-to-read volume for parents, teachers, psychologists, everyone dealing with the gifted child, that explains the inexplicable, and guides us all in guiding the growth and development of our gifted children...
Gifted children are susceptible to many de-motivating factors, which can lead to depression and academic underachievement. Learn concepts and techniques to counteract those factors, allowing a child's motivation to skyrocket...
Many children fail to get an appropriate education because of a preoccupation with ethnicity or a disability that leaves their intellectual strengths neglected...
“The purpose of this book is to give voice to the emotional life of bright young people, to show how their intensities and sensitivities make them more alive, more creative, and more in love with the world and its wonders” (Chapter 1)
This book describes a highly successful mentorship program in 'how to' terms that are easily applied and adaptable to a variety of situations." James T. Webb, Ph.D., Co-Director, SENG
Comprehensive textbook introduction to gifted education curriculum planning, instructional unit design, evaluation, and teaching methods. Chapters include differentiated curricular design, process skills development, instructional practices. Expands upon earlier editions with new chapters and fully updated information and research...
Physicians, psychologist, and counselors are unaware of characteristics of gifted children and adults that mimic pathological diagnoses. Six nationally prominent health care professionals describe ways parents and professionals can distinguish between gifted behaviors and pathological behaviors.
Misapplied labels can be devastating; properly diagnosed labels can change a child's life. The Eides can help professionals and parents alike, to find the proper labels, as well as learning tools, exercises, and therapies that help children with similar labels. Each chapter covers a unique learning challenge: Visual Problems, Attention Problems, Autism and Autism-like Disorders, and more...
Designed to help interested professionals conduct effective counseling with highly able clients, with literature review, techniques, and case studies for each technique...
Acceleration is a powerful educational ally, but it’s a strategy that requires participation of parents as well as sensitivity to individual needs and circumstances. For that reason, this report is designed not only to persuade readers of the value of acceleration, but also to help schools administer acceleration programs effectively...
Intensive, well-written case studies of the childhood development of 6 male child prodigies. It has much to say about prodigies, talent, intellectual giftedness, the family crucible, and the problems faced by these children in conventional schools
Will the RtI movement leave Gifted students behind . . . again? The New RtI provides academic challenge and social/emotional support to children of high potential. The authors turn the original RtI model on its side, create a mirror image, and place Tier 2 and Tier 3 students on a continuum, finally providing for ALL students in the classroom including gifted students. ..
Delves into the shady, often misunderstood world of pervasive developmental disorders, of which perhaps the most well-known is autism, with clarity, warmth and amazing depth, focusing on Asperger Syndrome (AS). The authors present unfamiliar terms and jargon with full explanations
Introduces the research and practice of gifted child education, as well as the individuals who represent current and historical thinking in the discipline, with a strong emphasis on the social and emotional aspects of giftedness
A compilation of Tracy Cross' columns from Gifted Child Today in a single book... what we know, and what we don't know about the social and emotional issues facing gifted children. Revised and updated version is even more comprehensive, for parents and educators...
Do you know a child who plays too rough, is uncoordinated, hates being touched, is ultra-sensitive (or unusually insensitive) to noise or sensations of heat and cold? Also available from
Provides a humorous, engaging and encouraging look at raising gifted children today. Offers practical, down-to-earth advice that will cause parents to reexamine the ways they perceive and relate to their children...
A common sense approach to raising children, with lots of humor and positive suggestions for dealing with negative situations. Great parenting resource!
Raising a gifted child is both a joy and a challenge... guides parents through all the phases and possibilities of the gifted child, including underachievement, sensitivities, twice exceptionalities, friendships, siblings, schools, identification, and much more!
Great introduction to IQ testing and gifted children. Answers your questions, from Why test? to What do the scores mean? and What about scores of twice exceptional children? Every parent entering the gifted education world should read this book...
a practical, informative, and authoritative primer for raising and educating our gifted children from preschool to adolescence. Beginning with sensible strategies to determine whether -- and in which area -- your child is gifted, this book takes parents through selecting an appropriate day-care center, a school, and a home reference library...
Explore the difference between healthy ambition and unhealthy perfectionism, strategies for getting out of the perfectionist trap, why people become perfectionists, why girls are especially prone...
Leaves no stones unturned in addressing the critical intersection of child, family and school, and they have presented the material in a friendly, indexed, bite-sized format that makes Picky Parent Guide an invaluable reference... Or download the PDF Choose a School for Your Gifted Child: A Picky Parent Guide Quick Kit (requires Adobe)
Multi-volume collection, written with the busy classroom teacher in mind. Great topics, with ready-to-implement solutions from respected professionals... buy all 25!
A reference for service and program options for practitioners, administrators, and coordinators; a companion to the more in-depth The Handbook of Secondary Gifted Education. Part I: the gifted adolescent's cognitive social and emotional dimensions, including suggestions for academic, personal/social, and career exploration best practices; Part II: programmatic offerings such as AP and IB, distance learning, magnet and other special schools, study abroad, and early entrance to college options; Part III: a view of optimal future directions—taking into account obstacles to change in today’s high schools...
A menu of strategies, resources, organizations, tips, and suggestions for parents to find optimal learning opportunities for their kids, covering the gamut of talent areas, including academics, the arts, technology, creativity, music, and thinking skills. Focused on empowering parents by giving them the tools needed to ensure that their gifted kids are happy and successful both in and out of school...
THE book for parents and educators, for planning the educational program for a gifted child. Everything you need to prepare, negotiate, and execute the best possible educational option for each child. Read DITD review...
A leading researcher and clinician, Waber offers an alternative to the prevailing view of learning disability as a problem contained within the child. Instead, she shows how learning difficulties are best understood as a function of the developmental interaction between the child and the world. Integrating findings from education, developmental psychology, and cognitive neuroscience...
"If there is a child in your life who fits the ADD pattern, let this be the one book you read cover to cover before proceeding with any intervention." C.R. of UOG
Shed light on how people work: why they sometimes function well, and at other times, behave in ways that are self-defeating or destructive. Presents research on adaptive and maladaptive cognitive-motivational patterns
It is not that homeschooling per se protects a girl, but that its a different picture among girls "whose homeschooling was characterized by a high degree of choice, autonomy, and control"
From distance learning to talent search summer programs, from residential academic programs to mentoring, and more - there are many options outside the classroom for gifted education. Learn about many of those options, through individual essays by some of the experts in each field ...
While more than 50 million Americans suffer from full-fledged mental illnesses, millions more suffer from milder forms--yet they likely don't realize it. Also available on cassette
"Conundrum kids" -- the superb writer who can't add, the talented speech maker who can't write legibly. Provides practical suggestions and ideas for parents trying to decide when the child should start school and teachers trying to cope. Also covers students up through college and deals with the topics of visual learning, motor functioning, auditory learning, language and learning, and psychological problems, plus strategies for dealing with standardized tests the world of college...
Hundreds of kids from around the world, ages 4 to 12, share their deepest, truest thoughts about about peers, families, school, and their futures. Being gifted has its upside and downside, and the kids talk about both...
What does the research (slim as it is) tell us? Essential reading for those who wish to enable gifted students to develop their strengths and to position them to make the contributions of which they are capable. Also available from and
Roeper Review says it all: "...should be on the shelf of every school library, whether that school offers gifted programming or not." Also available from and
Although often a primary sign of giftedness, spatial ability may be unrecognized, misdiagnosed or misunderstood. Describes ways to identify spatial children and methods of classroom instruction, with emphasis on approaches that encourage the spatial gift while compensating for possible deficiencies...
by Jaime A. Castellano and Andrea Dawn Frazier (or from Amazon)
Leading experts in the field combine their knowledge of and leadership experience with gifted students from diverse backgrounds to help include historically underrepresented students in gifted education programs that serve our most able students. Raises the awareness level and knowledge base of all educators, particularly teachers of the gifted, with focus on topics such as gifted education in rural environments, highly gifted learners, twice-exceptional children, gifted females, gifted and talented students on the autism spectrum, English language learners, underachievement, and students from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds...
Spotlight on 2e is a series of easy-to-read, information-rich booklets on 2e topics, that answer all the tough questions, and provide a terrific set of resources for additional information. I'm already ordering a set for the teachers and administrators in our child's new school this fall! Available:
Understanding your Twice-Exceptional Student (for educators)
Parenting Your Twice-Exceptional Child (for parents)
The Twice-Exceptional Child with Asperger Syndrome
Coming soon:
Understanding the Gifted Child with Attention Difficulties
Understanding the Gifted Child with Central Auditory Processing Difficulties
If you think your gifted child isn't getting the education he or she needs, this book is for you. It helps you recognize your child's gifts, understand his or her problems at school, find out your district's policy on gifted education, explore various options, communicate effectively with the school and district, and provide enrichment at home
A sensitive dreamer if: forgets to follow instructions, no matter how clear and simple, craves praise and positive attention, yet refuses to conform to what's expected, tells more than his share of fibs and tall tales. If this is your child, you know the frustration of turning to parenting experts for advice only to find the systems don't work, the rules don't stick and strong boundary setting makes the situation worse. The creative-sensitive dreamer is not the strong-willed child...
Provides the reader with a broader conceptualization of the gifted/LD learner to include students who have gifts in other domains and who would benefit from being identified and having their talents nurtured. Provides information for elementary, secondary and college educators, resources for both education and psychology, and information for families, including parents and students...
What do the leaders in talent development say? Topics include: Educational policy World perspectives, Profound giftedness, Radical acceleration, Heritability of abilities, Asynchrony and self, Moral compasses, and Critical thinking. Also available: Talent Development II and Talent Development III
Comprehensive textbook of talent development from birth to adult, with chapters on young children, elementary, middle school, high school and college, and adult talent development, and subjects including identification, program development, and curricula development...
Findings of an extensive 5-year longitudinal study that strove to answer two questions: How do young people become committed to the development of their talent? And, why do some young people become disengaged from their talent? Read DITD review...
Fay and Funk demonstrate through various scenarios, tips, and "pearls of wisdom" how and why conducting your class or school according to four key principles can validate your authority, and empower your students. Presents practical ways in which teachers and administrators can help their students become confident, responsible individuals, internalized in their discipline... Also available from
For adolescents (and their parents), discusses the differences between education and schooling with an emphasis on how to get the former even if you eschew the latter
Add to the struggle for control and confusion with emerging identity of the typical teen, the challenges difficulty focusing attention, resisting impulses, or remaining still, and you will understand the necessity of a manual for how to live and work with teens with ADD
Have you ever wondered how to cope with a very bright child when you've got 25 other children in the class? What to do now you're in charge of the gifted programme? How to help the teacher understand your gifted child? This book is written for everyone who lives or works with a gifted child... (published in New Zealand)
The gifted and learning disabled child exhibits remarkable talents in some areas and disabling weaknesses in others. This book covers everything a classroom or enrichment teacher must know in order to address the needs of gifted learning disabled youngsters, including identification, learning styles, and more
An examination of the psychological impulses that drive the quality in human beings broadly labeled as "creativity," which also covers how parents and teachers can enhance creativity, as well as the cognitive aspect of creative writers, scientists, musicians, and physical performers, as well as ways to assess and train creativity. Previously titled Understanding Those Who Create
Concrete suggestions in an entertaining, easy to read book to make learning and living easier for the right brained and those with learning disabilities
With chapters including The Vulnerable Child, The Intimidating Child, The Different Drummer, The Little Adult, and The Pessimistic Child, among others, this is a great tool for parents to help their gifted kids learn and understand the subtle art if being a friend!
Radical activists do not see the American middle school as an organization to impart academic knowledge, but as an instrument through which they can force social change. Yecke, an experienced teacher and administrator, shows how these activists have implemented their plans and endangered the education of all middle school children--especially those who are gifted...
Gifted kids are much more than test scores and grades. Take a look from the inside out - their social and emotional needs, from self-esteem to perfectionism, stress, being different, and more...
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) occurs when the brain cannot process or understand correctly the sounds the ears hear, even though the ears might be functioning properly. It is rarely recognized, often misdiagnosed, and poorly understood, yet the effects can be devastating...
Millions of gifted children with average, above-average, or even gifted abilities--including those from homes where education is valued--simply do not perform up to their capabilities. Spells out a practical, six-step program...
Strategies that work to help students who experience the frustrating problem of dysgraphia. Designed to be fun, practical, and easy to implement, strategies are appropriate for regular or special education teachers as well as parents
This book will teach you how to plan, prepare, organize and get quality special education services. In this comprehensive, easy-to-read book, you will learn your child's disability and educational needs, how to create a simple method for organizing your child s file and devising a master plan for your child's special education. You will understand parent-school conflict, how to create paper trails and effective letter writing... While not explicitly for twice exceptional kids, it is perfect for their parents and advocates
Guided Writer's Workshop for elementary (and even secondary!) students. An excellent resource for teachers, homeschoolers, and students. Also available from
Experts in advocacy address five aspects of intervention: identification, special populations, parenting, meeting social and emotional needs, and creating effective educational experiences. Read DITD review...
How to recognize giftedness, from the obvious signs such as advanced language, math and motor skills, to the less obvious ones such as sense of humor, good memory and active imagination, and offers a variety of age-appropriate techniques to stimulate your child's curiosity...
What is the secret of talent? How do we unlock it? In this groundbreaking work, journalist and New York Times bestselling author Daniel Coyle provides parents, teachers, coaches, businesspeople—and everyone else—with tools they can use to maximize potential in themselves and others.